Lost in Deep Time Concert, April 12, 2024
These videos can familiarize the players with the visuals for each piece of music. Each video has two screens: Top is the stage or rear projection, bottom is the front or scrim projection (black is transparent) and the projection will spill onto the players and floor between the scrim and the rear wall.
Prospects of a Misplaced Year
I. The War Below
IV. Palindromic Queue
II. Matchbook Aria
V. On The tIdeS of November
III. (K)in(e)tic (V)ar(i)atio(n)s
He Who Saw the Deep: Five Studies for the Floods Project
Anna Thorvaldsdottir, Sola: Prologue I. —
Anna Meredith, Chorale
György Ligeti, Sonata for Solo Cello, I. Dialogo
Anna Meredith, Haze
inti figgis-vizueta, The Motion Between Three Worlds